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Q: How many times can I appeal my punishment? 
 You can appeal a total of 3 times. Keep in mind, most permanent bans/blacklists can’t be appealed (Dox, DDOS, Hate Speech and similar).

Q: Where can I submit an appeal? 
 Submitting an appeal can be done in two ways. First way is through our discord server’s ticket system and the second way is through our email. The discord server can be found here and our email is [email protected]

Q: Are there any appeal requirements? 

  • Proper grammar is required when sending the appeal
  • Being honest for why you should be pardoned of your punishment
  • Providing as much information and details regarding the punishment as possible
  • Don’t make joke appeals, they will be denied
  • Don’t submit multiple appeals while having a pending one
  • Don’t ask a staff member to review your appeal

Q: Is there an appeal I have to follow? 

  • What is your Minecraft username?
  • What is your Discord username?
  • What is your punishment and punishment ID?
  • Why were you punished?
  • What is your punishments duration?
  • Why should you be pardoned?
  • Do you have any images/vidoes/gifs to help support your case?


Please take the time to read out this whole page before deciding whether or not to continue with applying for staff!


Q: How many times can I apply for Staff? 
 You may apply 3 times, waiting 2 weeks before being able to apply again if denied.

Q: My application has been rejected, what do I do now? 
 If your application is rejected it does not mean that you can no longer apply for staff, it just means that we, by judging your application, did not feel like you were suitable for the team. Read the question above for information about reapplying.

Q: Can I be staff on another server? 
 You can apply for staff on DemonicAether while being staff on another server, but we may not accept the application depending on the number of servers you are staff on.

Q: What are the staff requirements? 

  • If you wish to apply for staff, you must be over the age of 15. We want mature people who can handle tough situations. 
  • A must have in order to apply for staff is having previous experience. This can range anywhere from having knowledge of basic staff things to administrator level experience.  
  • Correctly formatted paragraphs and not just a block of text. We don’t want to read messy or unorganized applications. 
  • Being able to record videos of rule breakers is a must, as well as having a microphone. 
  • Having pretty good knowledge of the English language since that’s how most people communicate. 
  • A requirement of at least a few hours is needed before applying. We want to know if you are an invested player or just someone looking for staff. You can check your playtime by doing the “/playtime” command in-game. 
  • You must have a clear understanding of the rules and how to uphold them. 

Q: What are the common denial reasons? 

  • Making an application within the 2 weeks wait period of a denial. 
  • Using an old application without any major changes or effort. 
  • Creating a troll application.
  • Lying in your application. 
  • Reapplying within 30 days of resigning or being demoted. 
  • Not putting enough effort into your application. 
  • Arguing about the decision of your application. 
  • Being a toxic member of the community. 
  • Targeting staff members. 
  • Not meeting the requirements listed above.

Q: How many times can I apply for media? 
 You may apply when you meet the requirements, waiting 1 week before being able to apply again if denied.

Q: How many media rank are there? 
 We currently only offer one media rank, Media. In the past we had split them but decided to combine all into one rank.

Q: Will I get paid? 
 At the current moment we offer no payment for media related services on our server. But that may change in the future.

Q: What are the media requirements? 
 There are 3 different requirements in order to obtain the media rank (You only need to meet one of the 3 requirements marked with red and the rest are all required):

  • YouTube: You must have 150+ subscribers with 100+ views per video.
  • Twitch/Kick: You must have 70+ followers with 5-10 active viewers.
  • TikTok: You must have 500+ followers with 1-2k views per video.
  • Must not have fake views/viewers and or followers/subscribers.
  • The channel must be active (Active videos or streams).
  • At least one video or stream must be made on the server.
  • Server’s IP must be visible in the video or description.
  • Must have a clear understanding of the rules.
  • When accepted as a media you are responsible for your actions towards how you market the server. As an ambassador to the community, we expect you to not involve yourself in dramas and not break the rules of the server.

NOTE: In order to keep the rank, you must:

  • Actively post or make videos/streams on your channel that also meet the criteria from the rank requirements.
  • Said videos must be proper videos/streams. Under “Proper” we mean the content must not be joke/slop content.
Gameplay Rules 8 months ago

1. Cheating / 3rd Party Software
Anything that gives you an unfair advantage over another player due to external or disallowed game modifications is classed as cheating. You can find the list of allowed and disallowed modifications here: [to be made]

2. Punishment Evading
If you are banned or muted from the server and you try to login with another account, you will be blacklisted or permanently muted from the server.

3. Impersonation
Impersonation of another player or staff member is prohibited. This includes but not limited to privately messaging players or staff that you are another player or staff member in the hopes of receiving items or other information.

4. Exploiting
Exploiting a bug, glitch, vanilla feature or any of our plugins at all is prohibited. Failing to report any issues will result in you being banned.

5. Alting / Cell Abuse
A player is only allowed a maximum of 2 accounts. One main account and one alt account. Joining with alt accounts to claim multiple cells is prohibited and you will be punished.

6. IRL Deals
Selling servers items like armor, tools, custom enchants or any item on our server for real life items, currencies or any other material or virtual possession.

7. Inappropriate Cell
Building inappropriate structures inside your cell is strongly prohibited. This includes lag machines as well as hateful builds towards a group of people or ethnicity.

8. Trapping
Trapping players inside of your cell is prohibited.

9. Block Glitching
Any form of block related glitching is prohibited.

10. Freezing your Minecraft
Intentionally freezing your Minecraft for an advantage is prohibited.

11. Scamming / Insiding
Scamming or Insiding other players cells is allowed. As a mainly prison gamemode we do not prohibit the acts of scamming or insiding another player.

12. Teaming
Teaming with other players or other factions is allowed.


Specific Rule Not Listed?
We may not always cover or account for every single possible scenario that may happen. If a rule is not listed, it does not mean that it is allowed. Always check in with a staff member, but in the case the staff member is not of help you can ask a higher up to clarify.


Last modified: 30th of June

Chat Rules 8 months ago

1. Excessive Vulgar Language
The use of excessive swearing towards a player is not allowed.

2. Player Disrespect / Staff Disrespect / Trolling
Do not insult, disrespect or troll any of our user on the server. Whether you may be saying it as a joke to them or not, it is not acceptable. Even if the user you are talking to is your friend.

3. Racism and Discrimination
If you are caught saying anything racist or discriminating you will be permanently muted. Some examples of this are calling people disrespectful nick names based on their racial group, gender, sexuality, calling people homophobic names and categorizing people into ethnic groups. Whether you mean this to harm someone, or you are saying it in a joking manner to your friends, you will be muted.

4. Suicide Encouragement / Death Threats
Anyone caught saying death threats, or encouraging someone to hurt themselves will be permanently blacklisted. Even if you say "kys" to a friend, it is not acceptable and you will be punished.

5. DDOS / DOX / SWAT Threats
All three of the things above are completely illegal and will not be tolerated at all on our server.

6. Advertising / Links
Posting links to any external website or server that is not connected or partnered with DemonicAether is not allowed.

7. English Majority
Our server staff speak English as does the majority of the server. Players who speak other languages are welcome to do so via private message however in global chat you are required to use English only.

8. Spamming
The minimal requirement for it to be classified as spam includes, but is not limited to, posting similar messages or characters continuously or a repetitive number of times within the space of a few or more seconds. Keep note that punishment lengths may be extended depending on severity.

9. Wasting Staff Time
Staff members are set in place to help the community with any issues they may face. Wasting their time either in a discord ticket or in game as a form of joke is prohibited and will be punished accordingly.

10. Forging Proof
Forging proof with the intention of personal gain is prohibited.

11. Private Messages
Message’s sent with the “/msg” command will mostly not be moderated. If you don’t like what the player is sending you, you can just use the “/ignore” command to simply hide their messages. Advertising & Links rule applies here.


Specific Rule Not Listed?
We may not always cover or account for every single possible scenario that may happen. If a rule is not listed, it does not mean that it is allowed. Always check in with a staff member, but in the case the staff member is not of help you can ask a higher up to clarify.


Last modified: 26th of May