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Discord Rules
Topic Locked
DemonicAether OWNER
7 posts
7 topics
3 months ago

1. Excessive Vulgar Language
The use of excessive swearing towards a player is not allowed.

2. Player Disrespect / Staff Disrespect / Trolling
Do not insult, disrespect or troll any of our user on the server. Whether you may be saying it as a joke to them or not, it is not acceptable. Even if the user you are talking to is your friend.

3. Racism and Discrimination
If you are caught saying anything racist or discriminating you will be permanently muted. Some examples of this are calling people disrespectful nick names based on their racial group, gender, sexuality, calling people homophobic names and categorizing people into ethnic groups. Whether you mean this to harm someone, or you are saying it in a joking manner to your friends, you will be muted.

4. Suicide Encouragement / Death Threats
Anyone caught saying death threats, or encouraging someone to hurt themselves will be permanently blacklisted. Even if you say "kys" to a friend, it is not acceptable and you will be punished.

5. DDOS / DOX / SWAT Threats
All three of the things above are completely illegal and will not be tolerated at all on our server.

6. Politics
We, DemonicAether, as an entity side with no political party or group. We discourage users from discussing politics as we are a server made for gaming purposes and stay far away from politics.

7. Advertising / Links
Posting links to any external website or server that is not connected or partnered with DemonicAether is not allowed.

8. English Majority
Our server staff speak English as does the majority of the server. Players who speak other languages are welcome to do so via private message however in global chat you are required to use English only.

9. Spamming
The minimal requirement for it to be classified as spam includes, but is not limited to, posting similar messages or characters continuously or a repetitive number of times within the space of a few or more seconds. Keep note that punishment lengths may be extended depending on severity.

10. Impersonation
Impersonation another player or staff member is prohibited. This includes but not limited to privately messaging players or staff that you are another player or staff member in the hopes of receiving items or other information.

11. Wasting Staff Time
Staff members are set in place to help the community with any issues they may face. Wasting their time either in a discord ticket or player report as a form of joke is prohibited and will be punished accordingly.

12. Forging Proof
Forging proof with the intention of personal gain is prohibited.

13. Microphone Abuse
Purposely spamming or yelling into your microphone is prohibited and will get you either server muted or kicked and maybe banned from the discord.

14. Misuse of Public Channels
Misusing channels such as general, media, memes, donator general or any other chat channel is prohibited. Check the channels description for an understanding of what you can post in that channel.

14. Tickets
Tickets are in place to be used for general support, player reports, appeals or applications. Spam creating tickets or misuse of the ticket system will grant you a suspension of the ability to open new tickets.

15. NSFW / Adult Content
Posting pornographic, nsfw or adult content is extremely prohibited and anyone caught doing it will receive a permanent ban from the discord server.

16. Inappropriate Nickname
Changing your nickname to something that is a slur, racist, sexual, discriminatory, homophobic or any other prohibited words will warrant a temporary punishment as well as your nickname being removed.

17. Discord TOS / Guidelines
Every single individual that joins the discord server is required to follow discord own Terms of Service and Guidelines. Failing to comply will get you banned from the discord and reported to the Trust and Safety team.


Specific Rule Not Listed?
We may not always cover or account for every single possible scenario that may happen. If a rule is not listed, it does not mean that it is allowed. Always check in with a staff member, but in the case the staff member is not of help you can ask a higher up to clarify.


Last modified: 26th of May